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"This school continues to be good"
Ofsted Short Inspection | July 2018
Report highlight...'The school is an inclusive and welcoming environment where pupils are well supported to strengthen their learning and well-being. Leaders, including middle and subject leaders, have increased the focus on quality assurance. As a result, they understand their school well, and have worked collectively to establish improvements. Relationships between staff are underpinned by a calm confidence and respect for each other, and an appreciation of their responsibility to ensure that all pupils achieve their best.'
"You have used a range of professional development opportunities to build a cohesive team whose members help each other provide plentiful opportunities for pupils."
View Allen Edwards' July 2018 Ofsted Report
Ofsted Full Inspection | July 2014
Report highlight...'Most children in the Early Years Foundation Stage enter Nursery with skills and knowledge lower than expected for their age. Children learn extremely well as a result of the consistently good teaching they receive, and by the end of Reception almost half secure a good level of development. This is a remarkable achievement given the very high proportion of pupils in Nursery and Reception who are in the early stages of speaking English. Over the course of Years 1 and 2, most pupils continue to make good progress in English and mathematics, securing attainment which is broadly in line with that seen nationally.'
'The strong focus on promoting good language and communication skills from an early age helps pupils, especially those who are learning English as an additional language or who join late, to become confident learners who respond readily to questions and show positive attitudes to the challenges they are set.'
'Pupils build well on earlier learning and make rapid progress in Key Stage 2. By the time they leave in Year 6, pupils reach standards which are well above national in mathematics and in line with national averages in English.'
"The school has successfully closed the gaps in achievement between pupils eligible for support through the pupil premium and other pupils at the school as well as all pupils nationally."
View Allen Edwards' July 2014 Ofsted Report
View all previous Allen Edwards Primary School Ofsted reports via their website by clicking here