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Jo Evans
Deputy Headteacher
Welcome to Allen Edwards
Allen Edwards Primary School is a two-form entry school based in the heart of Stockwell which takes children from Nursery to Year 6. We are an inclusive school which values the contributions made by each child and their family and are proud of the cultural and linguistic diversity of our school and its community.

Louise Robertson

Always striving for improvement
Our Vision and Mission
At Allen Edwards we aim to provide the highest standards of education in an inclusive environment, through effective teaching and learning.
We believe that learning should be purposeful, exciting and challenging and we aim to achieve this through a curriculum which is broad, balanced and relevant. Our curriculum is underpinned by 5 key drivers which we believe are the steps needed for our children to become successful and independent learners. These key drivers are embedded in our school aims, and underpin our work as a school, and in the community that we serve.
The promotion of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of our school curriculum and demonstrated in our school ethos and values of honesty, respect, tolerance, kindness and trust.
Our aims
We aim to develop confident learners who take ownership of their learning, are proud of their achievements, are well prepared for life in modern Britain and understand the possibilities ahead of them.
Through positive attitudes and partnerships we endeavour to develop the whole child, meeting individual needs in a safe and secure environment. We are a community of learners and we will work together to maintain a safe and stimulating learning environment, develop an awareness of wider global issues and through our curriculum make strong links with our local and wider communities.
We aim to promote resourcefulness in our learners through encouraging resilience, risk-taking and problem solving skills, developing learners confidence and ensuring that kindness, respect and tolerance is shown towards others.
Collaboration and positive partnerships with individual children, the whole class, our colleagues, with governors, parents and the wider community will lead to effective teaching and learning, high standards and successful learning.
We aim to ensure all learners can communicate effectively with a range of audiences confidently and responsibly. The school’s communication with all stakeholders is key to the success of our school and we aim to ensure all stakeholders have a strong voice within the school.

Our Priorities
Each year we set ourselves a list of key priorities for the school to focus on throughout the academic year. These are shared with parents, governors and the school community.
Please see below our school’s key priorities for the 2024-2025 academic year:
Quality of Education
To implement and embed strategies to improve oracy skills so that pupils are able to use effective listening and speaking skills to present and debate a range of information to a range of audiences.
To implement and embed strategies, from evidence based research, to improve pupil’s writing skills and ensure a higher proportion of pupils are achieving age-related expectations.
Leadership and Management
To develop new leaders into their leadership role, through the development of specific leadership skills, whilst ensuring clear impact on the quality of teaching and learning within the given subject.
Personal Development
To develop a strategic plan to further enhance opportunities for pupils to develop their cultural capital.
Behaviour and Attitudes
To develop a consistent approach across the school with agreed expectations between pupils, parents and staff for positive reinforcement of behaviour and subsequent rewards